house renovations and guests

Pic of Paul Liz Mike and Connor at the picnic in NB somewhere on the way here.
We still do not have a bathroom but the nice contractor said that he would hook up the bathtub for us for tonight. for some reason the landlady is renovating the bathroom complete with a huge window by the tub. nice view while you are sitting in there with bubbles up to your neck but hey I think I'd feel kinda weird getting in. the only working toilet downstairs is in a closet like room where you have to sit sideways or your knees hit the green sink. the green sink matches the green toilet which matches the green linoleum in the kitchen and the green tile and rugs downstairs. I firmly believe that 1950's women became depressed not so much from staying at home but from being completely surrounded by horrible green decor.

otherwise the house is great. lots of room - we could sleep at least a dozen folks I think. and I am enjoying the dining room table smack dab in the middle of the kitchen - a cozy family sort of feeling with kids drawing, grownups reading the paper and drinking coffee and someone doing dishes all at the same time.
Paul and Liz could stay for a long time and I would not tire of their company - couldn't ask for more relaxed people. i will miss them when they go home tomorrow, we'd never have made it here without their help. actually wouldnt have made it without the family too. still figuring out where stuff is - funny when you don't pack yourself. where are my shoes anyways???
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