Friday, October 13, 2006

Geckos and feeding time

Geckos eat meal worms. Meal worms live in a box that is filled with rolled oats. Meal worms somehow live off of old fruit and vegetables. This means that we have a mealworm box that we add old fruit to every now and then. I originally thought that I should take the very old black hairy fruit out of the box but then noticed that that is where most of the mealworms seem to come from - ick.

Minuit seems to like coming down to feed the geckos and stays very close by when I get the mealworm box out. Its been over a month and I only figured out why recently - Minuit loves to steal the mouldy old fruit and snuffle off somewhere with it - double ick.

The geckoes, particularly Inky with her dried skin, gives me the willies and feeding wriggling worms to these creatures does not help that feeling so it was in this "ick mode" that I made my way downstairs to feed the critters last night. We had finally gotten(?) (I am an engineer not an english major) off our butts and bought mineral oil to put on inky's dried skin so there I am standing with an open bottle of the stuff when my foot steps on something squishy and wet. Mineral oil all over the place! I'm looking madly around counting geckoes to see which one has escaped and fighting the heebiejeebies big time when I see that I've only killed a very old squishy piece of fruit, which is now ground into the basement carpet.

Minuit is banished from helping with feeding time.


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