More Halifax oddities - composting, driving, and oatcakes
While Halifax may dump 2 million litres of raw sewage into the harbour each day they also have the most comprehensive (and slightly complex) recycling program I have seen.
There is a green box for the compost stuff, plus cereal boxes and soiled napkins. There is a blue garbage bag for glass, plastics, and metal. You have to put corrugated cardboard in a pile, but not newspapers - which I think go into the compost. Plastic bags get all piled in a larger plastic bag. Aluminum can be recycled but only if cleaned off or else into the main garbage. Mike and I have put the 2 page list of stuff on the cork board in the kitchen and have to check it all the time to figure it all out. I miss my blue and black boxes.
Halifax driving. If I don't have and accident this year then it will be a minor miracle. I cannot cannot cannot figure out the three lane roundabout. If I attack it from the south then the lanes are clearly marked but If I attack it on the way home from the kids school then all bets are off. I almost wiped out one oncoming car while forcing another to veer out of its lane. If this was Ottawa there'd be road rage all over the place - but this is Nova Scotia and they just kinda look at me with a tut tut expression...really!
and the cross walks... I took a deep breath and took my life in my hands the other day. Pressed the button and took a tentative step - its like those Bugs bunny cartoons where the cars are screaming down and then come to a complete stop for the little lady with the tweety bird.
I wish I could say Mike and I return the favour but we are really having a hard time remembering those damn things. Too busy trying to figure out what street we are looking for. It isn't like there is a cross walk every kilometre - there is one practically every block.
But while pedestrians are looked after, there is no place to bike safely. I bike on the sidewalk and avoid looking at the pedestrians' tut tut expressions.
Can anyone tell me why the water is soo blue-green? I feel like I am swimming in tidy bowl cleaner.
On a more culinary side, most places seem to sell chocolate covered oat cakes. For those of you who have never experienced an oat cake. it is like eating day old dried up porridge. The Italians came up with biscottie....the Scots came up with oatcakes...
The only redeeming quality is when it is covered in chocolate and served with a cu
p of fair trade coffee.. Then it is truly the breakfast of champions.
There is a green box for the compost stuff, plus cereal boxes and soiled napkins. There is a blue garbage bag for glass, plastics, and metal. You have to put corrugated cardboard in a pile, but not newspapers - which I think go into the compost. Plastic bags get all piled in a larger plastic bag. Aluminum can be recycled but only if cleaned off or else into the main garbage. Mike and I have put the 2 page list of stuff on the cork board in the kitchen and have to check it all the time to figure it all out. I miss my blue and black boxes.
Halifax driving. If I don't have and accident this year then it will be a minor miracle. I cannot cannot cannot figure out the three lane roundabout. If I attack it from the south then the lanes are clearly marked but If I attack it on the way home from the kids school then all bets are off. I almost wiped out one oncoming car while forcing another to veer out of its lane. If this was Ottawa there'd be road rage all over the place - but this is Nova Scotia and they just kinda look at me with a tut tut expression...really!
and the cross walks... I took a deep breath and took my life in my hands the other day. Pressed the button and took a tentative step - its like those Bugs bunny cartoons where the cars are screaming down and then come to a complete stop for the little lady with the tweety bird.
I wish I could say Mike and I return the favour but we are really having a hard time remembering those damn things. Too busy trying to figure out what street we are looking for. It isn't like there is a cross walk every kilometre - there is one practically every block.
But while pedestrians are looked after, there is no place to bike safely. I bike on the sidewalk and avoid looking at the pedestrians' tut tut expressions.
Can anyone tell me why the water is soo blue-green? I feel like I am swimming in tidy bowl cleaner.
On a more culinary side, most places seem to sell chocolate covered oat cakes. For those of you who have never experienced an oat cake. it is like eating day old dried up porridge. The Italians came up with biscottie....the Scots came up with oatcakes...
The only redeeming quality is when it is covered in chocolate and served with a cu

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